What is a carbon footprint?

A carbon footprint is the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions arising from a specific activity, such as your flight or your stay.

How do you calculate the carbon footprint of my flight or my stay?

Stays The Greenview Hotel Footprinting Tool is used to calculate the carbon footprint of hotel stays, which follows the methodology of the Hotel Carbon Measurement Initiative (HCMI). This tool uses data from the Cornell Hotel Sustainability Benchmarking (CHSB) Index, which includes information on energy, water, and carbon emissions from over 20,000 hotels worldwide provided by major hotel brands, operators, and owners from all regions of the world. Flights Our CO2 emissions calculations for flights are based on , and take into account parameters such as all scheduled flights, aircraft fuel consumption, seat configuration, and historical load factors from more than 400 airlines (precision of the calculation depends on the input data).

What type of climate solutions do this program support?

Our climate program supports a portfolio of high-impact renewable energy projects.The transition from fossil-based energy production to renewable needs acceleration, and you can support projects that verifiably reduce and offset emissions through clean energy alternatives. By addressing the carbon footprint of your stay, you will support the following projects: Theparak Wind Farm Project Located in the Theparak District in Thailand, this wind farm delivers clean wind electricity to the national power grid. By supplying around 230,000 MWh of renewable wind energy per year via 30 wind turbines, this project mitigates carbon emissions through replacing fossil-fuel based energy. It also created new jobs for the local community and it actively supports local development through investment in community activities. Landfill Gas Extraction and Electricity Generation Project This project converts methane emissions from landfill waste into electricity in Turkey. It involves developing and constructing two waste-to-energy facilities at both the Odayeri and Komurcuoda landfill sites, which capture the methane gas released from landfill waste and use it to generate electricity. The project objective is to build, operate, and maintain these two landfill waste-to-energy systems consisting of landfill gas (LFG) collection systems, flaring stations, and gas engines coupled with generators to produce electricity. The gas engines will combust the landfill gas to produce electricity, and any excess LFG will be flared. Guangxi Fusui Qiquan Biomass Power Generation Project The project is a newly-built biomass-based power plant with 40MW (150t/h biomass boiler) of total installed capacity. It uses sugar cane bagasse and other biomass residues discarded by local farmers to generate clean electricity. This electricity is then transmitted to an industrial estate substation through a 110kV transmission line, and delivered to China Southern Power Grid (CSPG) via Guangxi Power Grid. The electricity delivered will substitute a part of electricity of CSPG which is dominated by fossil-fired power plants, reducing CO₂ emissions from grid-connected electricity generation.

What is the difference between carbon credits and carbon offsets?

Carbon offsetting enables individuals and organizations to take climate action by voluntarily supporting certified third-party projects that contribute to the reduction, avoidance, or removal of GHG emissions. Certified carbon projects issue carbon credits. Each carbon credit, carbon offset, or emission reduction unit represents a single unit of GHG emissions (being one (1) tonne carbon dioxide equivalent (tCO2e)) that is reduced, avoided, or removed from the atmosphere. A unit of GHG emissions can be reduced, avoided, or removed through various methods or project types (e.g. forestry projects, landfill methane recovery and destruction). Carbon offsetting provides financing for these certified carbon projects. The purchase of a carbon offset or carbon credit enables the buyer to offset their GHG emissions by contributing to these projects that reduce, avoid, or remove GHG emissions elsewhere in the world. A claim to have offset emissions is validated under a set of rigorous conditions – the emissions reductions, avoidances, or removals must be additional, measurable, auditable, permanent, and unique. The certification process for a carbon offset project is robust.

Will addressing my carbon emissions really create an impact?

Yes. When you offset the carbon footprint of your flight or stay, you'll support climate solutions like renewable energy projects, community projects, or nature-based solutions such as carbon removals. Emission reductions enabled by project activities and certified to a credible carbon certification body must adhere to the principle of “additionality” – to be materialized and monetized as carbon offsets. This means that the projects are being implemented as a result of the (expected) proceeds from the sale of carbon offsets, enabling project developers to overcome the difficulties they face. In other words, organizations are not supporting a project that would have been carried out anyway. The additionality case is checked by third-party auditors and the respective carbon certification body at project inception.

What will happen with my climate contribution?

When you offset your carbon emissions, the funds paid are used to support climate projects that reduce, capture, or avoid greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions in an amount equivalent to that of your calculated carbon footprint. The funds paid are dedicated to purchasing and canceling third-party certified carbon offsets. The carbon offsets made available in this program are Voluntary Emission Reduction (VER) units, certified by various credible and internationally recognized carbon certification standards such as the VCS, the Gold Standard, American Carbon Registry, and Climate Action Reserve, as well as Certified Emissions Reduction (CER) units certified by the United Nations. The offset price you pay is the total cost to deliver the carbon offset.

Who is Chooose™?

Chooose builds software to enable the lower carbon fuel value chain. Leading companies in aviation and freight use the Chooose platform to operate and scale their SAF programs, and to advance voluntary and compliance carbon initiatives. Learn more at .